A-Z of Crystals

Hematite Polished Pyramids 4cm

Price in points: 360 points
Reward points: 20 points
In stock

Hematite Pyramids, Average Size: 4cm x 4cm x 2.5cm tall. Sizes vary. Sold-Singly.

Crystal Meaning: Protective fire which burns away worthless desires and allows one to focus on realistic pursuits. Creates an unshakable sense of self, enhances the creative flow. 

Pyramids are symbols of power and protection, energy and birth and manifestation. Power – a stable structure that draws equally from the five directions, the ground is one. Metaphysically these directions equate the elements. In addition the pyramid has a prismatic effect which draws on light energy, building energy and providing a focused directed discharge through the top. Once an energy has been released, it is replaced with something new. That something new is the focus, for those that use pyramids for wishes healing, and magic.

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