


Meaning of Cerussite

Spiritually, Cerussite serves as a powerful catalyst for personal transformation and spiritual evolution. Its energy facilitates deep introspection, encouraging individuals to explore their inner selves with clarity and insight. Cerussite helps in identifying and releasing limiting beliefs or patterns that may hinder spiritual growth, promoting inner alignment and harmony. It aids in connecting with higher realms and spiritual guides, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. By fostering a sense of empowerment and courage, Cerussite supports individuals in embracing change and facing challenges on their spiritual journey with resilience and wisdom. Overall, Cerussite facilitates spiritual awakening, inner healing, and a deeper understanding of one's spiritual path.

Physical Properties of Cerussite

Cerussite is a lead carbonate, with the chemical formula PbCO3. Its color ranges from colorless to white, gray, or yellow, sometimes exhibiting interesting twinning patterns. Mohs hardness of 3 to 3.5, and it is quite dense. Lead Based, so low toxic. Do Not ingest or use a tincture. Clean hands after handling.