


Meaning of Spodumene

Spodumene Crystal Meaning - Spodumene is the geological name for this mineral. When the crystal is pink it is referred to as Kunzite, when it is green or yellow it is called Hiddenite, when it is clear its called Spodumene. It has the same qualities as Kunzite but on a slightly higher vibrational level moving the understanding of the crystal more towards the ALL THAT IS, just past the unconditional love it is pink kunzite. Therefore Clear spodumene represents the Clearing aspect of the three in its cardinal form. Release, acceptance, allowance, letting go and at the same time safe in the knowledge that joining the ALL THAT IS, only requires a lose of ego control, not even the ego need dissipate, only the need for control.

The crystal can be used to complete a phase a learning and is therefore linked to the Kabbalah at the path of Dath and Kether. The reason for the journey unveiled and the journey ending, hence the crystal association with ending of cycles, addiction and recurring patterns.

Spodumene Properties 

Spodumene , LiAlSi2 O6. COLOR: Clear .INDEX OF REFRACTION: 1.66 .HARDNESS: 6.5 CLEAVAGE: is perfect in two directions CRYSTAL SYSTEM: monoclinic