A-Z of Crystals



Meaning of Bismuth

Meaning of Bismuth - Bismuth said to relieve emotional and spiritual isolation, facilitating a state of oneness, connectedness and serenity.  Useful when experiencing change, providing for calmness, vitality and orderliness. Bismuth facilitates the enjoyment of travel, and stimulates group and relationship cohesiveness.

Physical Properties. - Rare In Nature. Most Crystals are Lab Grown.  Color is silver white often with a multi-colored iridescent tarnish. Luster is metallic. Crystal Habits include mostly massive foliated forms in natural specimens, although there do exist some well formed natural crystals they are rather scarce. Laboratory grown crystals display trigonal hopper crystals that appear pseudocubic.

Cleavage is perfect in one direction (basal) Fracture is uneven or jagged. Brital Hardness is 2 - 2.5 Associated Minerals include bismuthinite and ores of cobalt and silver found in hydrothermal veins such as cobaltite and acanthite. Notable Natural Occurrences include Australia; San Baldomero and La Paz, Bolivia; Devon, England; Germany and South Dakota, Colorado and California, USA.