A-Z of Crystals

Bismuth Crystalized Heart No1

Price in points: 1260 points
Reward points: 70 points
In stock

One Off - Bismuth Heart, Beautiful Crystals Grown into a Heart

One off Item, you get the one you see here!

Size: 12cm top to bottom, 10.5cm wide, 2.3cm thick

Bismuth is a metal that crystalizes into stunning shapes with amazing colours. Rarely do these crystals form in nature, most of the time, as in this one of course, they are grown. The naturally occurring metal is smelted and poured into heart shaped channel provide the general shape only of a heart, the rest of the growth is the result of the metals, natural crystalisation capabilities. The rest of the structures in each example piece are completely unique, no two hearts are the same. The ones we've chosen to sell here, are the best of the batch we could find, best in terms of colours and structures.

Truly A Unique Gift of Love. Comes with the stand as pictured.