A-Z of Crystals


Golden Imperial Topaz

Meaning of Topaz

Topaz Crystal Meaning - The Abundant One this stone is soothing, peaceful, tranquillising, gives a creativity and self-expression that will co-operate with your higher self. Topaz is a power stone for attracting prosperity due to the flow of both positive and receiving currents through the crystals tips and faces. Magical Use: Psychic abilities, calms emotions, precognition, health/healing, love, money, meditation. Healing Use: Detoxifies the body, warms, awakes, inspires an abundance of health by giving powerful assistance to tissue regeneration and strengthens almost every and all organs and glands.

Blue Topaz: Artistic growth, concentration, psychic development.
Golden Imperial Topaz Psychic development, stress relief.

Topaz Physical Properties

Topaz is an aluminium fluorosilicate. Can occur naturally in a variety of colours; pale blue, yellow and brown. Much more rare are natural colour 'Imperial' topazes with orange, pink, red or violet tones. Group SILICATES, Composition Al2SiO4(F,OH)2, Hardness 8.0, Crystal structure ORTHORHOMBIC.

3.50 2.80
Golden Topaz Crystals
11.69 9.35
50.32 40.26
Golden Topaz Pendant No11
29.25 23.40
Golden Topaz Pendant No13
29.25 23.40
46.81 37.45
52.67 42.14
2.33 1.86
52.67 42.14