A-Z of Crystals



Meaning of Stromatolite

Crystal Meaning - Stromatolites, are fossils which form with blue-green algae. Blue Green Algae was the first organic life form on our planet one of the principle organic building blocks of life. The color - golden brown to deep brown.
Uses: Improves vision, Clears the throat, general tonic, and physical well being. fortifies the aura, strengthens teeth.

Other sources state the following;
The fossils aspects bring access to ancient information and past lives. The more relaxed one becomes in the presence of the massaging tides of stromatolites energy, the more is revealed. Stromatolite is helpful in relieving stress, physical and emotional, and reestablishing flow in body fluids that have become heavy, blocked, or dried. Drinking water to re-hydrate when working with this stone
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Stramatolite Tumble Stones Large Average Size: 2cm-3cm. fossilised blue-green algae.

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Well Carved Stramatolite Crystal Skull. Size 5 x 3.5 x 3.5cm. Sold Singly

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