


Meaning of Stilbite

Stilbite, a delicate and gentle crystal, embodies energies of love, compassion, and emotional healing. Its soft pink to peach hues resonate with the heart chakra, promoting inner peace, forgiveness, and harmony in relationships. Stilbite's calming energy soothes the mind, alleviates stress, and brings comfort during times of grief or sadness. It encourages openness, vulnerability, and self-acceptance, allowing for emotional healing and transformation. Stilbite also enhances intuition, spiritual awareness, and connection with higher realms, facilitating spiritual growth and inner wisdom. Overall, Stilbite is a nurturing and supportive crystal that encourages love, healing, and spiritual evolution.

Mineral Information for Stilbite

Stilbite is a member of the zeolite mineral group, composed primarily of hydrated sodium calcium aluminum silicate.

The general chemical formula for stilbite is NaCa2Al5Si13O36·14H2O. This formula indicates the presence of sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), oxygen (O), and water (H2O) in its composition.

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