


Meaning of Sphalerite

Sphalerite, known as the "stone of vitality," embodies energies of transformation, grounding, and manifestation. Sphalerite activates the root and solar plexus chakras, infusing the body with revitalizing energy and promoting a sense of vitality and strength. It facilitates the release of old patterns and limiting beliefs, allowing for personal transformation and growth. Sphalerite's grounding energy anchors the spirit to the physical realm, helping to bring dreams and aspirations into reality. It encourages courage, determination, and assertiveness, empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Sphalerite also enhances creativity, intuition, and mental clarity, making it a valuable tool for manifestation and spiritual development.

Has its own Group, named from Greek "sphaleros", treacherous, in allusion to the ease with which dark varieties were mistaken for galena, but yielded no lead. Sphalerite Group - Sphalerite, also known as Blende or Zinc Blende, is the major ore of zinc. When pure can forms clear crystals with colours ranging from pale yellow to orange and red shades, but as iron content increases it forms dark, opaque metallic crystals (known as Marmatite).

One off! Sphalerite Crystals Specimen in matrix, 297 grams, size, 11cm x 7cm x 6cm
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