A-Z of Crystals

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Crystal Angels

Polished Crystal Angels in various sizes, add peace and protection to your home or office space with these display pieces. Many petite sizes are available for carrying with you, perfect as a thoughtful gift or for treating yourself!
Sold Singly, Gold Tiger Eye Angel 2cm tall
Sold Singly - Stands approx 2.5cm tall, and spans 2cm.
Sold Singly - Petite Red Jasper Angel 2.5cm come with Pouch
Sold Singly - Petite Rose Quartz Angel 2.5cm come with Pouch
Purple Lepidolite Crystal Angel Stands approx 5cm tall
Sold Singly, Stands approx 40mm tall, and spans 30mm. Carved from Quartz Rock Crystal
Stands apporx 5.3cm tall, and spans 3.5cm. Carved from Red Jasper
5cm tall, Organite Crystal Angel with Red Jasper chips and copper
One off Tall Rose Quartz Angels stands 10.5cm tall
One off Tall Rose Quartz Angels stands 10.5cm tall
One off Tall Rose Quartz Angels stands 10.5cm tall
One off Tall Rose Quartz Angels stands 10.5cm tall