A-Z of Crystals

Rubycrosite - Zoisite & Ruby

Ruby in Zoisite

Meaning of Ruby Zoisite

Rubycrosite also known as Ruby Zoisite., Ruby Zoisite, a striking combination of vibrant red ruby crystals embedded in green zoisite, embodies energies of passion, growth, and transformation. Its red and green colors symbolize the integration of heart-centered love and vitality, promoting harmony and balance in relationships and personal development. Ruby Zoisite stimulates the heart chakra, encouraging emotional healing, compassion, and joy. It revitalizes the spirit, boosts energy levels, and inspires creativity and enthusiasm for life's journey. Ruby Zoisite is also believed to enhance spiritual awareness, intuition, and manifestation abilities, empowering individuals to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.
Magical Use - Confidence, love, creativity, wisdom, spirituality, self-esteem, courage and stimulate leadership abilities.
Healing Use -Heart, circulatory disease, arthritis and eases pain and spasms.

Mineral information for Ruby Zoisite

Ruby Zoisite is composed of two minerals: ruby, which is a variety of corundum with the chemical formula Al2O3, and zoisite, which is a calcium aluminum silicate mineral with the chemical formula Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH).

Ruby Zoisite ​Cabochon Pendant No1
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£42.99 £34.39
Ruby Zoisite Cabochon Pendant
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Ruby Zoisite Cabochon Pendant
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Ruby Zoisite Crystal Skull No11
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Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No4
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£19.99 £15.99
Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No5
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Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No7
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Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No8
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Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No9
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Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No10
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Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No12
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Ruby in Zoisite Pendant No16
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