


Meaning of Pietersite

Pietersite Crystal Meaning - Flowing life force, like water running through the rock, weaving and exciting forceful and yet yielding. A stone reminiscent of the spirit of TAO. Knowing only the journey of life and enjoying the experience. 

Mediation with this stone, whilst focusing on the patterns within it can be beneficial, it can allow for a simpler interpretation of reality and our existence. The stone does not look for reasons, only movement and travel along the path, its wisdom therefore is classically simple and resembles the “fool” from the tarot. 

If you have one, then hold it in your hands and stare at the patterns. Then close your eyes and take three slow deep breaths, breathing the pattern into your mind and through to your body, allow the patterns to form an impression on your mind, and see what you feel? The same exercise can be used with any stone to feel its energy and even harness it.   

Melody Notes: Pineal Glad, Pituitary gland, hormonal balance, and connection to the etheric body. Dispels illusions. Also vibrates to the number 9.  Named after Sid Pieters of Namibia. 

Pietersite's chemical composition is primarily silicon dioxide (SiO2), the same as other varieties of quartz. However, it contains inclusions of various minerals such as amphibole, crocidolite, and other fibrous minerals, which give it its distinctive appearance.


One off - Blue Pietersite Pendant, Mounted in Sterling Silver.

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Pietersite Tumble Stones, Size 2.5-3cm on average,  sold Singly
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