A-Z of Crystals



Meaning of Phenacite

Phenacite - Is a high vibrational stone that allows connection to the individuals soul group, a central soul area where all our lives emanate from. This crystal can allow you to tap into pure creational power that can help you remold your understanding of your own reality. Furthermore it can help one see the many, simultaneous existences and how they intersect into a spiritual lesson, thereby removing conscious obstacles to ones progress in the here and now. In terms of healing the stone can be used as block remover.

Mineral Information for Phenacite

Phenacite is composed primarily of beryllium (Be), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O). Its chemical formula indicates two atoms of beryllium combined with one atom of silicon and four atoms of oxygen. Phenacite is a rare stone to find, dealers often find it difficult to source at prices which would be generally affordable. Deposits are found at: Burma, Brazil, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Russia and the USA.

£7.99 £7.09
Phenacite Gemstone Incense Sticks, Sold per Pack of 20 sticks
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Small Phenacite Gemstone Crystal, average sizes 5mm x 5mm x 3mm.  0.5-1 carat.
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