Morganite - Pink Beryl

Morganite - Pink Beryl


Meaning of Morganite 

Morganite, also known as pink beryl or pink emerald, embodies energies of love, compassion, and divine connection. Its delicate pink hues resonate with the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing, harmony, and unconditional love. Morganite's gentle energy encourages forgiveness, empathy, and self-acceptance, helping to release past wounds and attract positive relationships. It is believed to inspire joy, peace, and inner strength, fostering a deep sense of serenity and balance. Morganite also facilitates spiritual growth and connection with higher realms, assisting individuals in aligning with their soul's purpose and experiencing greater levels of spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment. An Activator, cleanser and stimulator for heart chakra. Used in treatment of emphysema, tuberculosis, asthma and to enhance rejuvenation of disordered cells. Stabilizes heart, clears lungs. Helps bring love into ones life and assists in maintaining love as it continues to grow.

Mineral Information for Morganite

Beryl occurs most often in mica schist's of metamorphic-hydrothermal origin wherein the schist's and other associated host rocks formed by chemical interaction between granites rocks or pegmatite's and the enclosing basic (silica-deficient) rocks. The colour of beryl varies, and gives rise to named varieties. It can be colourless, white, green (emerald), yellow (heliodor), pink (morganite), red and blue (aquamarine). The streak is white and it is translucent to transparent with a vitreous lustre. The pink, rose, peach and violet varieties of beryl are called Morganite. Its colour is caused by the manganese impurities found within the mineral.
Morganite tends to form tabular prisms, and it is diachronic. Group SILICATES, Composition Be3Al2Si6O18, Hardness 7.5, Crystal structure HEXAGONAL. 


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