


Meaning of Kyanite

Crystal Meaning - Kyanite the Faithful One called so because of its encouragement to devotion, loyalty, reliability, serenity and pragmatism. Kyanite is said to be very useful in enhancing one's creativity, broadening one's perspective, and in reaching a better understanding with others. Kyanite is also said to bring calm and tranquillity, and to facilitate meditation. One of only two stones which never needs cleansing or clearing.

Magical Uses - Stone of attunement, communication, mental awareness, psychic awareness, dream recall, meditation, aligns all chakras automatically and immediately. Healing Uses - Throat and Voice. Physical Description - There are three polymorphs: andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, each one with the composition. Kyanite is typically found in rocks that formed under conditions of high pressure regional metamorphism. Group SILICATES, Composition Al2SiO5, Hardness 5.5-7, Crystal structure TRICLINIC. Most of Our Kyanite comes from Brazil, although some is Indian. For More Mineral Information use this Icon Mindat

2.91 2.33
Blue Kyanite Blades 3-4cm
2.33 1.86
8.18 6.54
11.69 9.35
Ferroan Kyanite Crystals
1.74 1.39
Green Kyanite Crystals
1.74 1.39
7.01 5.61
Kyanite Chip Bracelet
10.52 8.42
Kyanite Specimen in Gift Box
10.52 8.42
Kyanite Tumble Stones 2.5-4cm
7.01 5.61