Kunzite - Pink

Meaning of Kunzite Crystal
If you are any type of junkie make friends with this lithium bearer. It is an excellent balancer for physical, emotional and mental compulsives.
Kunzite Magical Uses - Grounding, peace, Promotes feelings of peace and inner strength. Promotes self-love and self worth. Aid one to relax. Removes obstacles from one's life. Dissolves negativity. Protects aura and shields against unwanted energies. Good for meditations. Stimulates sensitivity and sensuality. Makes a good pendulum.
Kunzite Healing Uses - Cardiovascular system, aids manic depressives, repairs the DNA/RNA and deflects microwaves.
Kunzite Physical Properties - Kunzite is Pink Spodumene, a lithium aluminium silicate,
Spodumene Properties - Spodumene , LiAlSi2 O6. COLOR: Clear .INDEX OF REFRACTION: 1.66 .HARDNESS: 6.5 CLEAVAGE: is perfect in two directions CRYSTAL SYSTEM: monoclinic