A-Z of Crystals

Jasper - Yellow

Yellow Jasper

Meaning of Yellow Jasper 

Yellow Jasper Crystal Meaning - Cleanses and strengthens the aura, aligns the chakras, harmonises the physical, emotional and spiritual body. Protective and used for astral and shamanic work. neutralises radiation and electromagnetic pollution.

Yellow Jasper Physical Properties
Quartz (SiO2) is the most abundant single mineral on earth. It makes up about 12% of the earth's crust, occurring in a wide variety of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Jasper is a massive, fine-grained, opaque variety of chalcedony. It occurs in many colours brown, grey-blue, red jasper, yellow, green bloodstone and combinations of these. Group OXIDES, Composition SiO2, Hardness 7.0, Crystal structure TRIGONAL.

£0.49 £0.39
Yellow Jasper Tumble Stones, size 1-1.5cm, Sold Singly
In stock

£2.20 £1.76
Extra Large Yellow Jasper Tumble Stones, size 2.5cm - 3.5cm Sold Singly
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