A-Z of Crystals

Rose Geranium Essential Oil 5ml

Price in points: 126 points
Reward points: 7 points
In stock

5ml of Pure Rose Geranium Essential Oil -Sold Singly. Rose Geranium

Species : Pelargonium roseum

Region : South Africa.
Aromatherapy Properties : Stress and neuralgia. Sore throat, tonsillitis, Acne, burns, bruises, cuts, eczema, dermatitis, haemorrhoids, lice, ringworm, ulcers, PMT, menopausal problems, cellulitis, breast engorgement, oedema and poor circulation.
Blends Well With : Lavender, patchouli, clove, rose, neroli, sandalwood, jasmine, juniper and citrus oils.
Safety Data : Non-toxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing. Due to the fact that it balances the hormonal system, it should not be used in pregnancy.

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