


Meaning of Chalcopyrite

Chalcopyrite, known as the "stone of the mystic," embodies spiritual transformation and insight. Its golden hue symbolizes the radiant energy of the sun, fostering optimism and vitality. Chalcopyrite encourages self-discovery and aligns with the higher self, promoting spiritual growth and intuition. It facilitates a deeper connection with the universe, enhancing meditation and astral travel. This stone is believed to cleanse and align the chakras, balancing energy flow and promoting harmony within. Chalcopyrite's presence is said to awaken dormant spiritual gifts and aid in accessing ancient wisdom, guiding individuals on a path of enlightenment and inner fulfillment.

Physical Properties of Chalcopyirte

Chalcopyrite, a copper iron sulfide mineral, has the chemical formula CuFeS2. It typically exhibits a brassy yellow color with metallic luster and a hardness of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale. Often found in association with other sulfide minerals, it is a primary ore of copper. Chalcopyrite crystallizes in the tetragonal crystal system, forming various crystal habits including cubic, tetrahedral, and dodecahedral shapes.

4.10 3.28
Peacock Ore - Chalcopyrite Rock. Sizes vary 3-4cm. Sold Singly. 
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5.84 4.67
Chalcopyrite Tumble Stones. Size 2cm x 2.5cm approx. Sold Singly
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A Super One off crystal of Chalcopyrite with Iron Pyrite. The hue of gold you see is enhanced naturally with the chalcopyrite addition over the Iron Pyrite formation

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