A-Z of Crystals

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A-Z of Crystals...

Cave of Natural Healing Crystals

Immerse yourself in the Cave of Natural Healing Crystals, where our extensive range of raw minerals and specimens are here to help you discover the healing power of crystals.

General Paired Shaman Stones . Also known as Moqui Marbles, Stone sizes are approx 2.5-3cm diameter
Sold Singly Approx Size: 3.5-5cm long x 1cm wide on average
Quantity Prices available -  Bulk Natural Rough Rose Quartz Rock Crystal Chunks, per kilo
Natural Points. Choose from sizes 1-1.5cm up to 6cm long, Sold Singly
Sold Singly - Iceland Spar Optical Calcite Rhombohedron prisms, average size - 3-4cm x 3cm
Natural uncut Emerald Crystals. Natural Emeralds Average size 10-12mm x 5mm x 5mm. Sold Singly
Azeztulite Gemstone Crystal, Size 0.7-1cm Sold singly
Natural Frosted Mexican Desert Roses, Sold Singly, size 3-4cm on average.
Opaque Selenite TV Rock, sold singly, average size - 3cm x 3cm x 2cm
Natural Green Aventurine Rock crystals, each around 3-4 cms, Sold Singly
Natural Apophyllite Pyramid Tops. Sold Singly. approx size; 1-2cm. size varies
Citrine Crystal points. Choose from Small or Large points