


Meaning of Fuschite

Fuchsite, a green variety of muscovite mica, embodies the energies of growth, healing, and emotional balance. Its vibrant green color resonates with the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and forgiveness. Fuchsite is believed to soothe the emotional body, alleviating stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. It encourages a sense of inner peace and harmony, fostering emotional resilience and strength. Fuchsite is also associated with abundance and prosperity, attracting opportunities for growth and success. Its gentle energy uplifts the spirit and inspires optimism, helping individuals to embrace life with confidence and joy. Overall, Fuchsite is a stone of healing and transformation, guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Its mineral composition is primarily aluminum potassium hydroxyfluorosilicate, with the chemical formula (K(AlCr)2(AlSi3O10)(OH,F)2. Fuchsite gets its green color from the presence of chromium ions in its crystal structure.

45.64 36.51

One off - Well carved Ruby Fuschite Kyanite crystal skull, 5cm long x 3.6cm talll 

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2.33 1.86
Green Fuchsite Tumble Stones, Sold Singly. Size approx 2cm in size
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9.35 7.48

Fuchsite Kyanite and Ruby Tumble Stones, size 2-3cm, sold singly

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1.40 1.12
Natural Green Fuchsite Crystals, Sold Singly. Size approx 3-4cm in size. Note Pieces can be flat.
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