A-Z of Crystals

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Immerse yourself in our extensive collection of books, carefully curated to guide you through understanding the journey of crystal properties, metaphysical mastery, chakras and more!

Flowing within our bodies is the energy that drives and maintains our life functions. This energy...
Conjuring up love, success, health and happiness, The Little Book of Pocket Spells by Akasha Moon has a...
Healing Stones for the Vital Organs by Michael and Wolfgang Maier, 83 Crystals with Traditional Chinese...
In days gone by our ancestors lived in harmony with the earth. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia is a treasury of...
From ill-wishing to paranormal and psychic attacks to fears and phobias, this comprehensive compendium...
The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation , This book has everything a teen Witch could want...
Dreams provide vital clues to hidden feelings, fears and desires;  understanding your dreams can lead...
Boost your health and heeling through the magic power of self-care. Inside, you’ll explore ways to...
With over 100 crystals, along with symptom charts , step-by-step illustrations, exercises, and case...
If you’ve ever been intrigued by the Tarot but are confounded by the complexities of multi-card spreads...
Discover the secrets of the Norse people and their magical practices to manifest an enchanted life.
With ten specific spreads to follow, along with sample readings and an extensive interpretation of each...
Includes a directory of 100 flower essences and plant essences, complete with astrological, elemental, and...
From getting a much-needed promotion to striking it big in the lottery, this comprehensive compendium...
Let Judika Illes be your guide to helping you prepare, celebrate, and harness the power of each day. ...
Whether you are a Tarot novice or have been working with the system for years, this book will guide you...
The Official Visual Guide to The World Famous Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck
The two volumes of Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, described as ‘the Bible of Tarot’, have inspired a...