Cinnabar Crystals

Cinnabar Crystals

Cinnabar Crystals

Meaning of Cinnabar

Cinnabar Crystal Meaning, said to attract abundance, gently increasing persuasiveness and assertiveness when selling, also assists in organisational abilities, for business management.

Holding this crystal is said to release this energy; Flowering and opening, opportunities, expansion and release for physical energy. Gentles unfolding of events towards a positive conclusion for parties involved. Gentle understanding of the undercurrents within a situation and acceptance of the directions that need to be considered.  Mental fluidity and direction to your purpose. Agreements. 

Physical Areas: Prostate, lower pelvis area, pit of the stomach, energy in the hands, improved flow of energy behind the neck.  Origin- USA and China 

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Cinnabrite Tumble Stones, Sold singly, size 20-30mm. Note....... 
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Rough Red Cinnabar Crystals, Origin Spain, Size 3-4cm long

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