A-Z of Crystals

Chrysanthemum Stone

Chrysanthemum Stone

Meaning of Chrysanthemum

Crystal Meaning
Said to awaken ones true purpose in life, providing a love of life, joy of being and positive role, creating and providing abundance. Mediation on the pattern can allow a metaphysical opening of channels in new and diverse directions promoting growth. In addition the stones patterns can also be used to overcome fears of growth. Lastly the stone can be used to centre and ground an individual that may experienced far too many traumatic events.

Chrysanthemum stone get its named due to its unique flower patterns occurring in the stone resembling chrysanthemums. 

Chrysanthemum stone is primarily composed of two main minerals: gypsum and celestite.

Gypsum is a hydrated calcium sulfate mineral with the chemical formula CaSO4·2H2O. It is a soft mineral that forms in evaporite deposits and sedimentary rocks. In Chrysanthemum stone, gypsum typically forms the white or gray flower-like patterns that resemble chrysanthemum blooms.Chrysanthemum stone is primarily composed of two main minerals: gypsum and celestite.

Chrysanthemum Stone
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