


Meaning of Carnelian

Carnelian Crystal Meaning - Warm and Friendly. Carnelian opens the lower posts of the navel chakra easy the flow of fluids and aiding digestion and bowl movements. Its help the user to be more in touch with their body and provides a positive view of the physical self. Also know as The Friendly One it is a good balancer connecting you with your inner self, giving you good concentration and in opening your heart it gives you joy, sociability and warmth. Carnelian is a highly evolved healer.
Carnelian Magical Use - Protection, peace, eloquence, healing, courage, sexual energy
Carnelian Healing Use - Skin, insanity, nosebleeds, all blood diseases, kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

Mineral information for Carnelian 

A Variety of Quartz (SiO2)  Carnelian is a translucent, red-orange variety of chalcedony. Its various shades of red are due to the presence of iron oxide. They may be slightly banded or uniform colour. Group OXIDES, Chemical composition SiO2, Hardness 7.0, Crystal structure TRIGONAL.

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