Calcite - Orange

Meaning of Orange Calcite
Orange Calcite Crystal Meaning - Known as the Joy Stone, Orange Calcite is the link between the solar plexus and the navel chakras, moving in the upward direction, joyfully and playfully. This crystal helps to bridge the gap between sensations, emotions, and a sense of well being, removing a negative view and empowering the positive. This crystal turns your attentions back to you, and allows you recoup lost energy, by freeing the bonds, between you and unrewarding pursuits. Joy is a state of doing, and expressing; a positive action knowing that end result is of no concern. Alleviates fear and stress, it has ability to balance both male and female polarities as well as emotions by helping you to ground excessive enthusiasms. Inspires joy and light heartiness and improves projection.
Orange Calcite Magical Use. - Remove obsessive behaviour, Invocation & Manifestation.
Orange Calcite Healing use: - Kidneys, pancreas, spleen, depression.
Mineral information for Calcite
Calcite is common throughout the world, and it is the main component in limestones and marbles, and most stalactites and stalagmites. Colour varieties are white, colourless, grey, orange, red, honey - brown, blue, green and black, with a white to grey streak. Group CARBONATES, Composition CaCO3, Hardness 3.0, Crystal structure TRIGONAL.