Brandberg Crystals

Brandberg Crystals

Brandberg Phantom

Meaning of Brandbergs

Brandbergs are from Damaraland in North West Namibia, considered a mystical area. Characterized by a rugged desert landscape, this area is home to desert adapted elephant and black rhino. Famous for it's 200 million year old petrified forest and an abundance of ancient rock paintings and engravings, even today the Brandberg area is yielding new secrets and surprises.

From a metaphysical point of view the Brandberg region has a different magnetic vibration to other areas. This difference in magnetic energy allows crystals from this region to form in unusual ways. The structure of quartz changes from the traditional formations as seen in Brazilian Quartz, to more individual formations. Again this change in magnetic frequency also allows the crystals to from with more inclusions, Brandberg Crystals have amethyst, and or hemetite inclusions and are considered to be wonderful tools in finding harmony and balance, amplifying energy, easing stress and as an aid to creating & manifesting. They are considered powerful healing and meditation stones. In addition the strange formations allow easier access to other dimensions

93.63 74.90

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst no1

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93.63 74.90

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst no10

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90.12 72.09

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst no3

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87.78 70.22

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst no6

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58.52 46.81

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst no7

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58.52 46.81

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst

In stock

46.81 37.45

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst no10

In stock

46.81 37.45

Brandberg Phantom Amethyst

In stock

7.01 5.61
Tumbled Brandberg Amethyst Crystals. Size 2-2.5cm. Sold Singly
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