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Agate - Blue Lace

Meaning of Blue Lace
Blue lace agate is one of the rarest and most popular of the agates. This is a calming, uplifting stone. The blue colour strengthens the function of the throat chakra and encourages peace. It can be used wherever there is a build up of painful or irritated energy. Like all agates, blue lace is a protective stone and can be particularly effective when calling upon angels for protection.
Blue Lace Agate Magical Use: Peace, happiness, protection, tranquility, communication, grace, angels and gentleness.
Blue Lace Agate Healing Use: Aid with arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, growth and bones.
Blue Lace Agate Magical Use: Peace, happiness, protection, tranquility, communication, grace, angels and gentleness.
Blue Lace Agate Healing Use: Aid with arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, growth and bones.
Mineral Information for Blue Lace Agate
Agate is a variety of chalcedony, which is the general term applied to fibrous cryptocrystalline quartz varieties. It is vitreous and a mineral generally of secondary origin, forming in cavities and veins by deposition from meteoric groundwater containing gelatinous silica from the weathering of silicate minerals.
Group OXIDES, Composition Si02, Hardness 7, Crystal structure: Trigonal
Group OXIDES, Composition Si02, Hardness 7, Crystal structure: Trigonal