
Meaning of Bloodstone
Bloodstone Crystal Meaning - As the name suggests, this variety of chalcedony is good for the blood. By toughening and oxygenating the bloodstream it enhances physical and mental vitality. The heart and spleen, bone marrow and iron deficiencies are all assisted. This powerful stone reduces stress, centres and inspires intuition, creativity and spiritual solidarity.
Bloodstone Magical Use - Invocation of earth energies, Gathering of Energies, Merging Energies.
Bloodstone Healing Use - Blood, Circulation, Strength, Hair, all round vitality.
Mineral Information for Bloodstone
A form of Chalcedony which is the general term applied to the fibrous cryptocrystalline varieties. Bloodstone (also called heliotrope) is a opaque, green, spotted variety of chalcedony. The dark green of the bloodstone is spotted red hence the name, due to iron oxides. Group OXIDES, Composition SiO2, Hardness 7.0, Crystal structure TRIGONAL.