Angel Aura Quartz

Angel Aura Quartz

Angel Aura Quartz

Meaning of Angel Aura

Angel Aura Quartz (AKA Opal Aura Quartz ) Angel Aura Quartz is Quartz crystal bonded with platinum and silver.

Crystal Meaning -  Angel aura quartz helps you connect to your angels and the angelic realms. It boosts the aura affording protection. It helps connect you to and heal karma and the akashic records. These crystals enhance nurture, empathy, love, peace and harmony and are highly recommended for any healer or those working in the caring professions. Angel aura quartz helps to keep you well when you are already in a healthy state and can prevent you becoming run down. 

Corresponds to: Astrological associations -all and Chakras -  all

Also linked to Aqua Aura and Titanium (flame) Aura quartz

Singles crystal, approx size 2.5cm, generic photograph crystal sold singly
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Sold Singly, Angel Aura Tumble Stones size, 2-2.5cm
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