


Meaning of Ametrine 

Ametrine Crystal Meaning
Sun & Moon, Male and Female. Ametrine is the natural blend of Amethyst and Citrine. Citrine is assigned to a positive sense of self, and Amethyst to spiritual connection and harmony; together they represent a working harmony between the two, making this an excellent choice for healers. The dual association between answers a common problem for many on the healing path, as healers; being full compassion often give of themselves at the cost of them selves. Ametrine represents a balance for attention to others and attention to the self.
Ametrine Magical use: -Forgiveness, allowance, releasing, understanding, compassion, acceptance. Aura Cleaning (yep all magical, and much needed magical uses).
Ametrine Healing Use - Emotional healing, heart, stomach, feet, back tension,

Mineral Information for Ametrine

Ametrine is composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2), the same chemical composition as other varieties of quartz such as amethyst and citrine. The distinct color zoning in ametrine is caused by variations in oxidation states of iron within the crystal lattice.

Ametrine is primarily found in quartz deposits located in Bolivia, particularly in the Anahi Mine in the eastern part of the country.

93.63 74.90

One Off Item - Ametrine Thai Buddha Head No1

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Polished Ametrine  Crystal Chip Bracelet
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Ametrine Tumble Stone Crystals, Size 2-2.5cm. Sold Singly.

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