


Meaning of Amazonite

Amazonite Crystal Meaning - The Thinker, This feldspar mineral soothes the nervous system while giving strength to the heart and body, balancing the mental and auric body. Makes you feel good, uplifted, creative and gives you perspective to your more harmful traits and helps you to let go of them.
Amazonite Healing use - Nervous System, Heart, Skin Tissue.

Amazonite Magical use - Healing, Attraction, Invocation of Healing energies.

Mineral information for Amazonite

In the earth's crust, feldspars are more abundant than all other minerals combined. The majority of the common feldspars fall into two groups, the alkali feldspars (KAlSi3O8 through NaAlSi3O8 series), and the plagioclase feldspars (NaAlSi3O8 through CaAl2Si2O8 series). Amazonite is a form of alkali feldspar, microcline may be colourless, white, yellow, pink, red, grey, green or blue green. Named after the Amazon river, amazonite is the semi-opaque blue-green variety. Group SILICATES, Composition KaAlSi3O8, Hardness 6.0, Crystal structure TRICLINIC

3.50 2.80
Natural Amazonite 3-4cm
1.74 1.39
3.50 2.80
29.25 23.40
23.40 18.72
10.52 8.42
35.10 28.08
40.96 32.76
31.59 25.27
32.76 26.21
42.13 33.70
29.25 23.40
8.18 6.54
25.74 20.59
Amazonite Crystal Tower No3
29.25 23.40
Amazonite Crystal Tower No2
25.74 20.59
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91
19.89 15.91