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Gemstone Birthstones for Pisces


The two main birthstones for Pisces, click the crystals to discover the full product range and learn more about Pisces below.

 Amethyst Aquamarine
Amethyst - At the time of Pisces, there is new life and innate knowledge that comes with birth, to Pisces this takes the from of knowing the cycle, spirit life and then life. Amethyst heightens this knowledge in this sign.Aquamarine -  Simple and gentle, sensitive and seeing life as a discovery. Aquamarine is the return to innocence for this sign. Being as light as a feather, and treating life as a dance. Awakened with Aquamarine.

Symbol: The Fish, Element: Water 

Ruling Planet: Neptune - The Hanged Man, Tarot Card: The Moon - Birth

Time of Pisces: New Life suspended above the seed, Life falls into the shell waiting to be born, Discovery, Excitement, Fear and Birth. 

The last of the zodiac signs, Pisces has learnt all the lessons of the prior signs, the joys and pains, hopes and fears and makes them appear psychic with their compassion, empathy and emotional intelligence. However, those born under Pisces are still Water signs, and are deeply affected by the emotions of others and even their own, they must learn to remain grounded and establish boundaries to properly process the depth of the feelings around them. Otherwise, they are reputed for being friendly, selfless and find themselves in the company of very different people, using their compassion to connect with different types of people. Never underestimate a Pisces' emotional capacity!

Ruled by Neptune, which governs fantasy, creativity and dreams these fish are blessed with brilliant imaginations which are aided by being a mutable sign affording them effortless adaptability. Pisces can tap into the collective unconscious through Neptune's clairvoyant ability to become spiritual and mystical, a very attractive trait to others.

Crystals for Zodiac Signs

 AriesTaurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces