A-Z of Crystals

Crystals and their Magical Uses

Below you will find a table of crystals that correspond to magical practice. The crystals assigned to these actions are suitable based on their energy and the energy types required or desired. One should always take their own guidance over all else.

Additionally, our Crystal Oracle can assist in finding a solution to a focus area of your choosing.

Ritual PreparationCrystals
Cleanse SelfSeleniteRose Quartz, Sulphur, Smudge Sticks
Setting WardsBlack TourmalinePyriteFire Agate
Cleanse Area PassiveObsidian, Selenite Rose Quartz, Smudge Stick
Cleanse Area ActiveQuartz Wand, Smudge SticksTing Sha
Elemental InvocationsCrystals
Invoke Fire ElementGarnet & RhodocrositeJasper
Invoke Air ElementPicture Jasper, CitrineBlue Calcite
Invoke Water ElementMoonstone & Celestite, Fluorite
Invoke Earth ElementHematiteBronziteJade
Invoke Spirit ElementAmethystRose QuartzDanburite
Invoke MoonSpectroliteMoonstoneAmethyst
Grounding PersonHematite, Galena
Grounding Magical EnergyLodestone, JetObsidian
Sending UpQuartz PointsSeleniteKunziteDanburite
Drawing DownSpectroliteMoonstone, Quartz
CleansingAmethystClear Quartz, Sulphur, Selenite
Energy RadiatorsCrystals
Personal GoalsHoney CalciteRuby,
Healing EnergyRose QuartzCalciteDolomite
Material GoalsJadeJetRuby
Magical EnergyObsidianJetRuby
Positive Mood EnergyCitrineRose QuartzCalciteDolomite
Protection Magical DefenceBlack Tourmaline, Sapphire, Ruby
Protection Psychic AttackBlack TourmalineSapphireRuby
Protection Physical HarmMalachiteRuby
Protection for TravelJade, Malachite
Protect MoneyCitrineJadeLapis LazuliRuby
Attract AbundanceCitrineJade, Lapis Lazuli, Ruby
Psychic Abilities - Enhance AmethystObsidianLapis Lazuli
Attract wealthCitrineJadeLapis LazuliRuby
Attract LoveRose QuartzKunziteMalachite
Astral travelCitrineHoney Calcite
Portal OpeningMoqui Marbles
Astral CleansingHerkimersSmithsonite
New OpportunitiesWavelliteSmithsoniteLapis LazuliJade
Past Life ConnectionObsidianRuby, Fossils, Picture Jasper
Ending of PatternsObsidianRose QuartzHerkimer
Magical SetsDescription
Balance Elements5 Crystals chosen to balance the elements
Chakra Work8 Chakra crystals to help develop your chakras
Chakra Balancing 9 Chakra crystals to balance the aura
Psychic DevelopmentFocused crystals for developing psychic ability
Subconscious Development3 Crystals chosen to assist in the clearing of subconscious blocks
Heart Centre Spiritual3 Focused crystals for the heart centre