A-Z of Crystals

Crystals for the Element of Air


  • Motive: To Know
  • Tarot Suit: Swords / Daggers
  • Relates to: The Mind, Intellect, Knowledge
  • Direction: East
  • Time: Dawn
  • Season: Spring
  • Colours: Yellow & White
  • Sense: Smell
  • Concepts: Intellect, Knowledge, Clarity, Discrimination, Mind, Speed, Sound, Intuition

Position to Other Elements


Earth, Air, WaterFireSpirit

Elemental Crystal Sets Platonic Solids - Named After Plato who first considered them. In Geometry there are only five perfect, regular solid polygons - Sacred Geometric Shapes. These five geometric shapes represent a recurring pattern throughout creation, and as such represent a blue print for creation and growth. The same shapes also represent the basic structures behind crystal formations. Such shapes are sacred geometry, appearing universally each providing its own teachings for growth and connection towards a purpose.

  Planatic Solids

* The Cube - Earth, * Tetrahedron - Fire, * The Octahedron - Air, * The Icosahedron - Water * Dodecahedron - Ether - And Heavens

These crystals can be used in mediation, chakra clearing, chakra balancing, dream work and ritual. Intuitively hold each shape and ask higher self to translate the geometric shape into a thought, or to represent an energy dynamic. Once understood each structure can be harnessed and used accordingly. Working with basic formations provides a good basis for adapting the same work to natural crystal structures with more knowledge.
