A-Z of Crystals

Merkaba Star

The Merkaba Crystal or Tetrahedron Star.    

Merkaba StarThe Merkaba Star is 2 , 3 dimensional Pyramids or tetrahedrons, inserted over each over which has a few mystical references,  

One Pyramid facing upward equals the element of Air (thought) the other pyramid facing down equals the element of Water (emotion). Inserted together equals thought balance with emotion. As a 3 dimensional shape it equals manifestation, meaning that the balance is actual. The same attributes are given to the Star of David, one of the seals of Solomon.

In Purely Crystal Terms, each of the pyramids are tetrahedrons which are the fathers, or mothers of all crystal shapes and the first building blocks on the building of the light prisms that create the fabric of the material universe. 

It is through these prisms that light refracts and recombines and where are vibrational fragmentation occurs. Light in the broader sense, not just visible light but also the full range of the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light. 

Therefore working on the Merkaba Star is directly working on the light-body, and all forms of light vibration. 

The Two tetrahedrons together allow for the re-combining of the light body.

One Of the tetrahedrons forms the prism of earth bound light. The light within you. The other forms the Universal Light and is known by some as the Sun Tetrahedron.

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