A-Z of Crystals

Third Eye Chakra Crystals

Stimulate, enhance, open & close the chakras with the crystals below and click the crystals to discover the full product range.

 Sodalite Amethyst Lapis Lazuli
sodalite_Crystal  Amethyst_Crystal  lapis_Lazuli 
Sodalite and the Third Eye, Sodalite calms the mind and quietens the thoughts that circle and keep us distracted from the peace within. Once the mind is calmed by the blues of Sodalite, the white quartz veins align the mind to the higher self and so the journey can begin. The most common Third Eye crystal. Amethyst is the Third Eye. Opens the gate from the brow to the crown and beyond. For those more used to mindfulness Amethyst is suitable meditation accompaniment. Amethyst can help relax the mind and calm the stresses of the body too which can hinder the journey for many.   Lapis and the Third Eye. The psychic journey stone of preference. The blue opens the mind aids conscious detachment from our realm. The Gold Iron Pyrite works as a protector but also connects the mind to the Soul Star path pathways, providing mental transit lines along the cords that bind us together.

Other Crystals for the Third Eye Chakra: Covellite, Sugilite, Charolite.

Note: Any stone that you are drawn to, should be the best for you. Trust your own higher self above all others.

The Brow Chakra or Third Eye relates to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. Opens our psychic abilities. Linked to the Naval Chakra it makes pictures of the sensations the naval centre receives. It also makes pictures of our hopes and fears for the purpose of understanding. 

A healthy Third Eye Chakra will encourage the path of internal visions and dreams, with the understanding that they are divinely guided and inspired.

  • Sanskrit Name: Aina
  • Meaning: To Perceive
  • Location: Brow/Forehead
  • Element: Light
  • Colours: Indigo
  • Functions: Intuition, Psychic, Perception, Imagination, Earthly counter balance; Naval Chakra & Heart Chakra

Crystals for Chakra Points and Magical Elements

Earth Star Chakra Root Chakra Sacral Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Heart Chakra
Higher Heart Chakra Throat Chakra Third Eye Chakra Crown Chakra Soul Star Chakra
Earth Element Water Element Fire Element Air Element Spirit Element

Crystals for Zodiac Signs

 AriesTaurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces