A-Z of Crystals

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A-Z of Crystals... (1)

Candle / T Lite Holders, & Salt Lamps

Perfect for office or home decor, here's our selection of crystal tea-light candle holders and lamps.

Heart Shaped Selenite Tea light Holder, 4.5cm high x 10cm x 9cm
Twin Selenite Mountain Style Lamp stands approx, 30cm wide, each one unique, comes with UK ready light...
Ridged Selenite Tea light Holder, 4cm high x 15cm x 8cm
Selenite Light box stand Holder 8m wide, Turns crystals into lights
Selenite Lipstick Style Lamp stands approx, 28cm tall, by 11cm wide, each one unique, comes with UK ready...
Selenite Mountain Style Lamp stands approx, 40 high x 11cm wide, each one unique, comes with UK ready...