Calcite - Blue

Meaning of Blue Calcite
Crystal Meaning
Blue Calcite calmness allowance, acceptance, stillness, silence; a great aid to those with heavy minds who have trouble tuning out of the day, or unwinding. Blue Calcite is suitable for healing preparation for the patient or the healer; it installs a sense of silence and calmness with an allowance to let things happen at their own course; certainly the right frame for mind for healing, meditation, and relaxation. In addition to these traits Blue Calcite can be used to install a tact and diplomacy. From an elemental perspective this crystal dissipates the air and water and can be used for purification and invocation.
Blue Calcite Magical Use - Energy amplifier, assists in remembering experiences during astral travel and channelling, clears and activates the throat chakra.
Blue Calcite Healing Use - Lowers blood pressure, reduces pain.
Blue Calcite Physical Properties
Calcite is common throughout the world, and it is the main component in lime stones and marbles, and most stalactites and stalagmites. Twinning is common, it can also be found as transparent, large, colourless crystals. Colour varieties are white, colourless, grey, orange, red, honey - brown, green and black, with a white to grey streak. Group CARBONATES, Composition CaCO3, Hardness 3.0, Crystal structure TRIGONAL.