A-Z of Crystals



Meaning of Variscite

Variscite Meaning  Connects the ethereal body and physical body, in particular to the "need" channel. It allows messages to flow from one to the other, relating the needs present and stimulating the fulfilment of that need. Therefore this stone is for those that feel disconnected from either their higher selves, or their material needs. Because of this stones messaging nature, it relates to the nervous system and the regulation of flow between areas. The stone resonates to the heart chakra, the heart in the aspect of managing flows, and uniting the needs of the whole self in regulation.
Uses:  Abdominal distension, restricted blood flow, male impotency. Skin.

Physical Properties 

Variscite is a hydrated aluminum phosphate mineral with the chemical formula AlPO4·2H2O. Its composition includes aluminum (Al), phosphorus (P), oxygen (O), and water (H2O).